hello okay world! long time no speak. i did actually make issue 4..... did i tell anyone? i can not remember now.
well this blog post is about more important matters!
i am having a small auction on my personal blog www.lauramckellar.blogspot.com
as you may or may not know, australia's weather at the moment is out of control. there were terrible terrible floods in queensland, where many lost lives, homes and businesses. the floods hit most places without any notice so people were actually running for their lives. i have family there who fortunately weren't in trouble but have many friends who were. so here's how i am doing my bit: i am auctioning some work to raise money for the Premier's Disaster Relief Appeal. all the money raised will be donated. the auction will finish 9am monday 24 january.
i have one package of small pieces of my work, including issue two of okay! amongst other printed and hndmade things. please check it out on my other blog and make a bid if it takes your fancy! maybe it would make a good pressie for someones birthday. thank you.
in okay news, more coming this year!